complied by Aubrey Brown, MPS, Kevin Gembarosky MPS, David Gray, MPS, Nelson King, FPS.
The late Allen E. Roberts wrote "For more than two centuries Prince Hall Freemasonry has been the most lied about
organization in the world. Caucasian Freemasonry has misstated the facts about it; Black Freemasons and their
supporters have exaggerated its history and its hierarchy." We will dispel those myths, legends and lies.
MYTH: Prince Hall was born in Bridgetown, Barbados, B.W.I. His father Thomas Prince Hall, was an English leather
worker, and his mother, a free colored woman of French extraction.
FACT: To date there has never been any proof of the birth place, or who the parents of Prince Hall where. To date there
has only been speculation.
MYTH: The Initiation of Prince Hall and fourteen other men of color was illegal.
FACT: What constituted a legal Mason prior to the formation of the Grand Lodge system in USA? There were none
before 1778 when the Grand Lodge of Virginia was instituted. Before then there were Provincial Grand Lodges--several
of them. In Massachusetts there were two such bodies. One held allegiance to the "Modern" Grand Lodge of England;
the other, the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Studying the works of Henry Wilson Coil, Melvin Maynard Johnson, J. Hugo
Tatsch, Harry Carr and many others we find there were hundreds of "illegal" Masons in the early days of Freemasonry in
America. For example, where were the members of the lodge that met in Philadelphia in 1731 (and perhaps earlier)
made Masons? Was Benjamin Franklin, who was made a Mason in this lodge, illegal? No of course not.
MYTH: African Lodge which the men of color formed was illegal.
FACT: Freemason's proudly proclaim the supremacy of the Grand Lodge of England. It was the Grand Lodge of England
that granted a warrant on September 29, 1784 for African Lodge No. 459, and this warrant is still in existence.
MYTH: African Lodge had no right to warrant other lodges and form a Grand Lodge.
FACT: Let us look at the Lodge at Fredericksburgh VA. It warranted two lodges: Falmouth and Botetourt. Those Lodges
helped form the Grand Lodge of Virginia, and both are still in existence. What did the only lodge in Massachusetts do
after 1733? Did it not form a Provincial Grand Lodge and then warrant other lodges, and not only in Massachusetts? Why
should African Lodge be refused the same privilege?
MYTH: African Lodge's Warrant did not give them the right to Make Masons.
FACT: Africa Lodge No. 459's Warrant was no different from any other Warrant issued by the Grand Lodge of England.
Below is a copy of that Warrant.
our Right Worshipful & loving Brethren, we Thomas Howard,
Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard, etc. etc. etc., Acting Grand Master under
the authority of His Royal Highness, Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland etc.etc. etc., Grand Master of the Most
Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons, sends greeting:
KNOW YE, that we, at the humble petition of our right trusty and well-beloved, Brethren, Prince Hall, Boston Smith,
Thomas Sanderson and several other Brethren residing in Boston, New England in North America do hereby constitute
the said Brethren into a regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, under the title or denomination of the African
Lodge, to be opened in Boston aforesaid, and do further at their said petition, hereby appoint the said Prince Hall to be
Master, Boston Smith, Senior Warden, and Thomas Sanderson, Junior Warden, for opening the said Lodge, and for such
further time only as shall be thought proper by the Brethren thereof, it being our will that this our appointment of the
officers shall in now wise affect any future election of officers of the Lodge, but that such election shall be regulated
agreeable to such by-laws of said Lodge as shall be consistent with the general laws of the society, contained in the
Book of Constitution: and we hereby will and require you, the said Prince Hall, to take special care that all and every the
said Brethren are or have been regularly made Masons, and that they do observe, perform and keep all the rules and
orders contained in the Book of Constitutions; and further, that you do, from time to time, cause to be entered in a book
kept for that purpose, an account of your proceedings in the Lodge, together with all such rules, orders and regulations,
as shall be made for the good government of the same, that in no wise you omit once in every year to send to us, or our
successors, Grand Masters, or to Rowland Holt, Esq,. Our Deputy Grand Master, for the time being an account in writing
of your said proceedings and copies of such rules, orders and regulations as shall be made as aforesaid, together with a
list of the members of the Lodge, and such a sum of money as may suit the circumstances of the Lodge and reasonably
be expected, toward the Grand Charity. Moreover, we hereby will and require you, the said Prince Hall, as soon as
conveniently may be, to send an account in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents.
Freemasonry Powered by Joomla! Generated: 31 August, 2008, 07:36
Given at London, under our hand
and seal of Masonry, this 29th
day of September, A .L. 5784,
A. D. 1784.
"By the Grand Master's Command,
R. Holt, D. G. M."
Wm. White, G. S."
MYTH: African Lodge was erased by the United Grand Lodge of England.
FACT: So was every lodge in America still on the roles of either of the rival Grand Lodges. This included about half of the
lodges in Massachusetts! Has any critic dared claim all other American lodges erased from the roster of the United
Grand Lodge of England are clandestine?
MYTH: African Lodge was dormant for a number of years and therefore is illegal.
FACT: So were numerous other lodges. Research the anti-Masonic craze beginning in 1826. Check out the vast number
of lodges giving up their charters. Hundreds of them came back into the fold with no condemnation. Why should they be
privileged and African Lodge not?
MYTH: Prince Hall Grand Lodges are not Regular:.
FACT: Prince Hall Freemasons as do all Regular Freemasons adhere to the "landmarks".
I. its Brethren must believe in a Supreme Being [the GAOTU];
II. Obligations must be taken on or in full view of the VSL.;
III. it must display the three Great Lights of Freemasonry when it or its Lodges are open;
IV. discussion of religion and politics in its Lodges must be prohibited, and
V. its membership must be male, and it must have nothing to do with mixed or women's Lodges.
MYTH: Prince Hall Grand Lodges only accept men of color, and "Mainstream" Grand Lodges only accept Caucasian men.
I. John Pine, a black Freemason, who in 1769 designed the frontispiece for Anderson's Constitutions.
II. Canadian Grand Master by the name of Charles Lightfoot Roman, Grand Lodge of Quebec, was a black Freemason.
III. The proceedings of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York, 1871 provide us a record of a Lodge
of German Jews working under the authority of this Prince Hall Grand Lodge.
IV. Alpha Lodge No. 116, F. & A. M. Grand Lodge of New Jersey [Mainstream] is comprised of Black Masons.
V. The United Grand Lodge of England, The Grand Lodge of Scotland, and The Grand Lodge of Ireland have had
Provincial Grand Lodges through out the world, and their membership is not restricted by color.
MYTH: Prince Hall Grand Lodges only accept men who are Christians.
FACT: This is a question of Regularity. Since it has already been determined that Prince Hall Lodges are Regular, for us
to practice or teach this would be against the Ancient Landmarks of our order. [see Landmarks above] In 1787, Prince
Hall forwarded a copy of "The General Regulations of the African Lodge to D.G.M. Roland Holt in London, with the very
first item declaring, "… yet at the same time allow every man to join his own religion so that they be men of Honour
and Freeborn."
MYTH: Prince Hall Grand Lodges have women members.
FACT: The would be a violation of the Landmarks and Prince Hall Affiliated Freemasons adhere to the Ancient
Landmarks [see Landmarks above]
MYTH: Prince Hall Lodges have sexual orgies in the Lodge Room
FACT: Again this would be a violation of the Landmarks. [see Landmarks above] It is unfortunate that there exist in this
world spurious and even out right clandestine organizations who dare travel under the name of Freemasonry and use the
most immoral and un-Masonic acts in her name and in the name of Prince Hall.
MYTH: William Harry Grimshaw's, "Negro Freemasonry... " and books that quote this book are a reliable source for
information about Prince Hall Freemasonry.
FACT: Grimshaw's purpose was sound when he wrote this book. Grimshaw theorized and wrote what had been handed
down to him from years of word of mouth teaching. Unfortunately, his theories and teaching were corrupted. An accurate
comparison would be the ritual, which has developed in North America. There is no question that word of mouth rituals
are not the same ritual dictated to Ben Franklin.
MYTH: Prince Hall Grand Lodges have chartered Lodges in other Grand Lodges' Jurisdictions.
FACT: Prince Hall Grand Lodges have chartered military Lodges in Germany, Italy, Turkey, and Korea to name a few.
The traditional act of chartering a Lodge to service members traveling abroad is well recorded in Masonic history. This
has been a practice in Freemasonry since the very beginning of the rebirth in 1717. United Grand Lodge of England, The
Grand Lodge of Scotland, The Grand Lodge of Ireland, and many other "mainstream" Grand Lodges have Charted
Lodges though out the world in other Grand Lodges' Jurisdictions.
MYTH: Prince Hall Masons intermingle politics and Masonry.
FACT: Again this would be a violation of the Landmarks [see Landmarks above] However, it is only natural that many
prominent black politicians are or have been Prince Hall Masons. Prince Hall Masons by nature are inclined to be
involved in their communities, and this extends to the political working. This is done as individuals and not as masons.
Prince Hall Masonry has had within it's membership some of the preeminent Blacks in politics. The lists includes such
notables as Harold Washington, Chicago; Thomas Bradley, Los Angeles; Andrew Young and Maynard Jackson, Atlanta;
all former mayors. Douglass Wilder, the first black elected governor, Thurgood Marshal, and Jesse Jackson, to name a
MYTH: Prince Hall Grand Lodges do not enjoy full recognition from their Caucasian counterparts.
FACT: Most Prince Hall Grand Lodges and their neighboring Regular counterparts do in fact enjoy full recognition. Most
of the misunderstanding perhaps is due to the fact that Prince Hall Grand Lodges do not allow dual or plural
memberships. This means that members of recognized Grand Lodges can't join as full members. Some Prince Hall
Grand Lodges allow honorary memberships. These have a number of their "Mainstream" counterparts as honorary
members. Most Prince Hall Grand Lodges do allow their members to belong to Research Lodges. Many Prince Hall
Masons belong to national and state Research Lodges.
MYTH: Prince Hall Masonry does not contribute to charitable activities.
FACT: All branches of Prince Hall Freemasonry support charitable activities. From individual lodges to the Prince Hall
Conference of Grand Masters, The Supreme Councils [ SJ & NJ], To the Shrine. Prince Hall Masonry has contributed
millions of dollars in such charitable activities as scholarships and medical aid and research.
MYTH: All Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodges are Regular.
FACT: Not all Regular Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges are titled as such. The Regular Prince Hall Grand Lodge in the
state of Mississippi is, The Most Worshipful Stringer Grand Lodge, F.& A.M. [Prince Hall Affiliated]. The Regular Prince
Hall Grand Lodge in the state of Florida is, The Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, PHA.
There are irregular Black Grand Lodges in both these states using the title of Prince Hall Grand Lodge. There are also
other such outfits operating around the country. They will usually delineate somewhere in there title Prince Hall Origin.
MYTH: Prince Hall Masonry has never bothered to take Irregular Black Grand Lodges to court.
FACT: There is a long history of Prince Hall Grand Lodges taking irregular Black Masonic bodies to court. In many of
these cases, their Caucasian counterparts, have filed "Friend of the Court" briefs supporting the Prince Hall Grand
Lodge's stance. In fact, Prince Hall Masonry has taken every major black Masonic body to court in one state or another
and has won injunctive relief in all such cases. These suits span back as far as the 20's and include such bodies as, The
Internationals or Banks Organization, The Most Worshipful Universal Grand Lodge; also known as the John G. Jones
Grand Lodges, and the John A. Bell Grand Lodges. Virtually all major irregular bodies are the offspring to one of the
afore mentioned bodies. There are of course numerous smaller bodies that spring up virtually over night without any
governing body. Today Prince Hall Masonry for the most part, has chosen to use it's funds for the betterment of the
community as opposed to costly legal battles.
MYTH: The Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters has never or only recently embraced its Caucasian counterparts.
FACT: Even before recognitions, Prince Hall Grand Masters have met, worked with, and received their Caucasian
counterparts in informal as well as formal and public Masonic events. There is documentation going back to 1970 stating
the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters received such prominent members as the Grand Master of Mass. AF&AM,
and the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, N.J. at it's meeting.
MYTH: Prince Hall and its Caucasian counterparts have only recently began to meet formally.
FACT: There is much documentation showing that the two bodies have often met formally as far back as 1923 when the
two Supreme Councils [N.J.] met. This meeting resulted in the Prince Hall body deciding to change its name to United
Supreme Council and add the suffix, Prince Hall Affiliated to it's name to distinguish the two. After the meeting, the
Supreme Council [N.J.] Caucasian, issued the following press release.
Offer of "Informal Co-operation"
Boston, Mass. Sept. 22, 1923
An offer of "informal co-operation" was extended last Wednesday by the Supreme Council A. A. S. R. Masons Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction in session in this city to the United Supreme Council [Prince Hall Affiliated] representing Negroes in
the United States. Although no official recognition was adopted by the convention, the Supreme Council voted it's policy
of co-operation after hearing a report of the legal aspects of the situation arising from the similarity in the names of the
two organizations which existed until recently. The United Supreme Council changed its name in order to distinguish it
from the organization meeting here. In appreciation of this action and to put itself on record of racial toleration the Council
decided to adopt an attitude of co-operation that was generally felt would be advantageous both for the Negroes and the
community at large.
The work of the two organizations is said to be approximately the same and the colored fraternity which is chartered in
Pennsylvania is the Grand East for this organization.
These two bodies met again on May 19, 1944 in New York City where a similar resolution was made. The key addition
made at this time was the Supreme Council acknowledging that the Prince Hall bodies were legally descended from the
Grand Lodge of England and Regular in all Masonic aspects.
Copyright ©2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The Philalethes Society. All Rights Reserved
Dear Brother Milliken:
We will gladly give you permission to reprint the copyright article from The Philalethes Magazine©, The Philalethes CD-Rom© or web sites providing the following:
A. That credit is given to the author.
B. It is noted that the article is reprinted from The Philalethes, with permission.
C. That a copy of your publication is forwarded to the Editor.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Nelson King, FPS
2 Knockbolt Crescent
Toronto ON Canada M1S 2P6
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Black & White: Lies About Prince Hall Freemasonry
Let me set the stage for you.
THE YEAR is 2004
THE PLACE, Houston Texas
THE SUBJECT Prince Hall Freemasonry
Brother Nelson King the President of the Philalethes Society has come from his home in Toronto, Canada to Houston, Texas to deliver the Seventh Annual Sam Houston Lecture. His arrival to talk about Prince Hall Freemasonry has generated numerous death threats and he deems it wise to hire bodyguards. This would be the first time PHA Masons were allowed inside a Texas Lodge building.
Later the Grand Master of the Mainstream Grand Lodge of Texas was to ban the Philalethes Society from the state of Texas. Texas was to have the unique distinction of being the only state in the Union to not allow the Philalethes Society within its borders. Whether it was the actions of the Dallas Chapter of the Philalethes Society inviting a Prince Hall Mason to address it and having women in the lobby of the hotel where they met or whether it was this lecture that precipitated such a harsh and severe censorship against The Philalethes Society we do not know.
What we do know is that the truth shall set you free!
Nelson King, FPS, BF
Editor The Philalethes Society
Black and White
A History of
Prince Hall
For more than two centuries Prince Hall Freemasonry has been the most lied about
organization in the world. Caucasian or Mainstream Freemasonry has misstated the
facts about it; Black Freemasons and their supporters have exaggerated its history and
its hierarchy.
It should be noted The Philalethes Society printed the first article declaring Prince Hall
Masonry as regular in 1947, yes 1947 some 50 years before the United Grand Lodge of
England did. The Philalethes Society is the oldest and largest Masonic Research
Society in the World having members within 185 Regular Grand Lodges, including the
only Grand Lodge in a Communist Country and the only Grand Lodge within a Muslim
Country. --- Cuba and Turkey. And yes we do, it seems, to upset some Grand Bodies,
and Grand Masters, but then we are trying to make Masons think. And it is in some
cases it is a darn hard job.
To date 37 US Grand Lodges have either fully recognized Prince Hall Grand Lodges or
declared Prince Hall as Regular. The Grand Lodges of England, Scotland, Ireland and
Australia have recognized Prince Hall. All but 2 Grand Lodges and Provincial Grand
Lodges in Canada have recognized Prince Hall and all have declared Prince Hall Grand
Lodges as Regular. My Grand Lodge the Gran Logia de Costa Rica has recognized
Prince Hall. I should mention that I am talking about Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges,
not Prince Hall Origin Grand Lodges or any of the over 220 plus Black Grand Lodges in
the United States. My Brethren it is time to join hands with a body of men who were
proud of their heritage as Prince Hall Masons; as proud as we are to be Freemasons.
Some continue to quote, or use as arguments, misstatements of the past that have long
been discredited.
We first hear that Prince Hall was born in Bridgetown, Barbados, B.W.I. His father
Thomas Prince Hall was an English leather worker, and his mother, a free colored
woman of French extraction. To date there has never been any proof of the birth place,
or who the parents of Prince Hall where, there has only been speculation.
But who was this Prince Hall? Prince Hall seems to have always referred to himself as
an ‘African'. And probably with some pride for, in my view, he was an African, having
been seized in some part of West Africa as a lad of between eleven and fourteen and
brought to New England by a slave-trader and sold as a slave. It is not impossible that
he was actually sold to William Hall and it is also likely that he took the ‘Hall' from the
family which he served so faithfully for twenty-one years. This is impossible to prove but
is, I submit, a likely inference.
There is no doubt that Prince Hall was, as the official story says, ‘religiously inclined' -
but the facts are not as recorded in the Prince Hall Masonic Year Book. In a Deposition,
which is recorded in the Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Register of Deeds, made by
Prince Hall in August 1807, just a few months before he died, he stated that he was a
leather-dresser by trade; that he was 'about seventy'; that in November 1762 he had
been received into the full communion of the Congregational Church which had its
meeting place in School Street, Boston.
Prince Hall married five times - according to the official records of the City of Boston.
Prince Hall is buried in Copp's Hill Burying Ground in Boston in the same grave as his
first wife. The monumental stone carries the inscription:
Here lies ye body of Sarah Ritchery, wife of Prince Hall, died Feby the 26th, 1769, aged
24 years.
On the back of the stone, added some time later, is the inscription:
Here lies the body of Prince Hall, First Grand Master of the Colored Grand Lodge of
Masons in Mass., died Dec 7, 1807.
Whoever cut this last inscription took as the date of death the date of the announcement
in the newspaper (7 December) and not the actual date of death (4 December). It is a
little curious that Prince Hall should be buried in the grave of his first wife; one would
have thought that his last wife might have had other ideas, but perhaps Prince Hall
owned the plot in the cemetery. This cannot be checked for the interment records are
As an individual, Prince Hall took a great interest in the welfare of the African-American
people in Boston and in Massachusetts. He continually badgered the city fathers of
Boston and also the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts in respect of the proper provision of schools for the education of the
children of the African-American population.
We then hear the initiation of Prince Hall and fourteen other men of color was illegal...
There were fourteen military lodges in and around Boston in 1775. Of these one was
English, four were Scottish and the remainder were Irish. There seems to be very little
doubt, having consulted the Grand Lodge Registers that Irish Lodge No. 441, in which
Sergeant John Batt was a member, was the lodge in which Prince Hall was initiated.
John Batt is registered as a member of Lodge 441 in the register in Dublin under the
date of 2 May 1771.
Lodge 441 was warranted on 4 July 1765 to meet in the 38th Regiment of Foot (1st
Battalion South Staffordshires). The lodge warrant was subsequently, in 1840, returned
to the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The number 441 was later, in 1918, reissued to the T.W.
Braithwaite Lodge, meeting in Belfast.
The initiation of Prince Hall and fourteen other men of color took place in Boston in the
Colony of Massachusetts on March 6 1775. The presiding officer was one John Blatt of
this Irish Military Lodge No. 441.
If these men were illegal Masons, what constituted a legal Mason prior to the formation
of the Grand Lodge system in the USA? There were none before 1778 when the Grand
Lodge of Virginia was instituted. Before then there were Provincial Grand Lodges--
several of them. In Massachusetts there were two such bodies. One held allegiance to
the "Modern" Grand Lodge of England; the other, the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Studying the works of Henry Wilson Coil, Melvin Maynard Johnson, J. Hugo Tatsch,
Harry Carr and many others we find there were hundreds of "illegal" Masons in the early
days of Freemasonry in America. For example, the members of the lodge that met in
Philadelphia in 1731 (and perhaps earlier) made Masons. Was Benjamin Franklin, who
was made a Mason in this lodge, illegal or a clandestine Mason? What about the
legality of the organizers of the lodge that was formed in Boston in the Colony of
Massachusetts in 1733? The Lodge at Fredericksburgh in the Colony of Virginia came
into being with a slate of officers on September 1, 1752. Where were those men illegal
or a clandestine Masons?
When or where did the eminent compiler of The Constitutions of the Free-Masons,
[better known as the Antient Charges] James Anderson, who in 1731 received the
degree of D.D., become a Freemason? No one knows. He was, however, a member of
the Lodge at the Horn, Westminster, in 1723. This was the year of the adoption of the
Constitutions. And he was far from being in the minority.
These were the men who gave us Freemasonry in USA and England. If they were
illegal or clandestine Masons, as the critics’ claim the men of color were, then most of
us are illegally claiming to be Freemasons. As I understand the law, an illegal act
cannot be made legal.
Some claim African Lodge which the men of color formed was illegal. Was it? We
proudly proclaim the supremacy of the Grand Lodge of England. It was the Grand
Lodge of England that granted a Warrant on September 29, 1784 for African Lodge No.
459, and this Warrant is still in existence. This Warrant is identical to other Warrants
issued by the Grand Lodge of England, with the only changes the names to whom it
was issued and the location of the Lodge. A copy of the wording of this Warrant and is
an addendum to this paper.
Who gave the Lodge in Philadelphia a Warrant before it came into existence? And let's
return to the Lodge at Fredericksburgh, now Fredericksburgh No.4, in Virginia. This
unwarranted lodge initiated Major George Washington on November 4, 1752, the first
time it conferred a degree. It went even further. It Passed him a Fellowcraft on March 3
and on August 4, 1753 he was Raised a Master Mason. It was July 21, 1758, five years
later, before the Grand Lodge of Scotland gave it a Warrant making it a "legal" lodge.
Who among us dares to claim Washington was a clandestine Mason?
Yet others say African Lodge had no right to Warrant other lodges and form a Grand
Lodge. Again let's return to the Lodge at Fredericksburgh. It warranted two lodges:
Falmouth and Botetourt. Botetourt and Fredericksburgh helped form the Grand Lodge of
Virginia, and both are still in existence. What did the only lodge in Massachusetts do after 1733? Didn't it form a Provincial Grand Lodge and then Warrant other lodges, and not only in Massachusetts? Whyshould African Lodge be refused the same privilege?
We also hear that African Lodge was erased by the United Grand Lodge of England;
therefore whether or not it remained a lodge is moot. This is partially true. After the two
rival Grand Lodges in England ("Antients" and "Moderns") were united by two blood
brothers who became Grand Masters, African Lodge was erased from the roster. So
was every lodge in America still on the roles of either of the rival Grand Lodges. This
included about half of the lodges in Massachusetts! Has any critic dared claim all other
American lodges erased from the roster of the United Grand Lodge of England are
We hear that Exclusive Jurisdiction is world wide and must be observed. Nothing could
be further from the truth. Any researcher worth receiving Master's Wages can point out
numerous exceptions to this statement. The Grand Lodges of Scotland, Ireland and
England have many lodges working side by side in many countries. What about
Massachusetts with lodges in Panama, Chile, and Japan? Then there's New York with
lodges it had in Lebanon. Then we have the Grand Lodges of Washington and Alaska.
Exclusive jurisdiction, ironically, was a creature of the Grand Lodge of New York (not
Massachusetts as is generally believed. It's exclusively an American invention.
Shouldn't universality reach out to all men of good will?
We are told African Lodge was dormant for a number of years. Perhaps! But so were
numerous other lodges. Research the anti-Masonic craze beginning in 1826. Check out
the vast number of lodges giving up their charters. Hundreds of them came back into
the fold with no condemnation. Why should they be privileged and African Lodge not?
"Prince Hall Grand Lodge declared itself free from all authority in 1827." The first to so
declare in this country was Virginia in 1778. Others followed. Why aren't they
condemned and declared illegitimate?
We also hear that Prince Hall only accepts Christians and Black Men as members;
nothing could be further from the Truth. One quick example is that the SGW of the Most
Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario is Caucasian. And I have sat in open
Lodge with Prince Hall Masons of every color and creed.
At the start of this presentation I said “I am talking about Prince Hall Affiliated Grand
Lodges, not Prince Hall Origin Grand Lodges or any of the over 200 plus Black Grand
Lodges in the United States.” Many of these so called Grand Lodges also use the name
Prince Hall. Some are called Prince Hall Origin. My Brethren these are not Regular
Grand Lodges and are not Recognized. Only those Prince Hall Grand Lodges who are
Known as Prince Hall Affiliate are Regular, and are members of the Prince Hall
Conference Of Grand Masters, 1901 11th Street, NW, Washington Dc, 20001. It is
interesting to note that PHA Masons refer to the “others” as bogus masons. In fact there
are number of this “bogus” Grand Lodges in Texas and they are:
1. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (TX)
2. Alpha Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
3. Sunset Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
4. St. Joseph Grand Lodge (Colored) AF&AM (TX)
5. King Solomon Grand Lodge (Colored) AF&AM (TX)
6. King Solomon United Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
7. Dozo Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
8. United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge, Inc. (TX)
9. Universal Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
10. Mount Carmel Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
11. Mount Sinai Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
12. Hiram Tyrar Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
And there may be more. There is only one Regular PHA Grand Lodge in Texas, and it
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F&AM
2851 Evans Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76104
My Brethren, any Masonic organization that has stood the test of time, [220 years] must
be considered legitimate.
My thanks to my late mentor, Allen Roberts, for parts of this address have been copied
from Allen.
Over the last number of years it has become my custom to close with the following.
Brethren I would like all of you to stand now I would like you to turn to the Brother
beside you and grasp his hand with the Grip of a Mason.
Now I want you to ask yourself how many Masons would you trust with your life savings,
your home, your family's well being, and even your life, on that Grip.
If you are honest, the answers will be "not many" or "very few" or even "I can count on
one hand the number that I would trust." Why even some of you, will say to yourself "not
Well my Brethren, it never used to be like this. What a shame that Freemasonry has
sunk so low. It is up to each and every one of you to help bring Freemasonry back to
her former glory.
Thank you and God Bless.
TO ALL AND EVERY our Right Worshipful & loving Brethren, we Thomas Howard,
Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard, etc. etc. etc., Acting Grand Master under
the authority of His Royal Highness, Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland etc.
etc. etc., Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free
and Accepted Masons, sends greeting:
KNOW YE, that we, at the humble petition of our right trusty and well-beloved, Brethren,
Prince Hall, Boston Smith, Thomas Sanderson and several other Brethren residing in
Boston, New England in North America do hereby constitute the said Brethren into a
regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, under the title or denomination of the
African Lodge, to be opened in Boston aforesaid, and do further at their said petition,
hereby appoint the said Prince Hall to be Master, Boston Smith, Senior Warden, and
Thomas Sanderson, Junior Warden, for opening the said Lodge, and for such further
time only as shall be thought proper by the Brethren thereof, it being our will that this
our appointment of the officers shall in now wise affect any future election of officers of
the Lodge, but that such election shall be regulated agreeable to such by-laws of said
Lodge as shall be consistent with the general laws of the society, contained in the Book
of Constitution: and we hereby will and require you, the said Prince Hall, to take special
care that all and every the said Brethren are or have been regularly made Masons, and
that they do observe, perform and keep all the rules and orders contained in the Book of
Constitutions; and further, that you do, from time to time, cause to be entered in a book
kept for that purpose, an account of your proceedings in the Lodge, together with all
such rules, orders and regulations, as shall be made for the good government of the
same, that in no wise you omit once in every year to send to us, or our successors,
Grand Masters, or to Rowland Holt, Esq,. Our Deputy Grand Master, for the time being
an account in writing of your said proceedings and copies of such rules, orders and
regulations as shall be made as aforesaid, together with a list of the members of the
Lodge, and such a sum of money as may suit the circumstances of the Lodge and
reasonably be expected, toward the Grand Charity. Moreover, we hereby will and
require you, the said Prince Hall, as soon as conveniently may be, to send an account
in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents.
Given at London, under our hand
and seal of Masonry, this 29th
day of September, A .L. 5784,
A. D. 1784.
"By the Grand Master's Command,
R. Holt, D. G. M."
Wm. White, G. S."
Dear Brother Milliken:
We will gladly give you permission to publish on the Internet the copyright article from The Philalethes Magazine©, The Philalethes CD-Rom© or web sites providing the following:
A. That credit is given to the author.
B. It is noted that the article is reprinted from The Philalethes, with permission.
C. That the copyright notice attached to the article is displayed with the article.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Nelson King, FPS
2 Knockbolt Crescent
Toronto ON Canada M1S 2P6
THE YEAR is 2004
THE PLACE, Houston Texas
THE SUBJECT Prince Hall Freemasonry
Brother Nelson King the President of the Philalethes Society has come from his home in Toronto, Canada to Houston, Texas to deliver the Seventh Annual Sam Houston Lecture. His arrival to talk about Prince Hall Freemasonry has generated numerous death threats and he deems it wise to hire bodyguards. This would be the first time PHA Masons were allowed inside a Texas Lodge building.
Later the Grand Master of the Mainstream Grand Lodge of Texas was to ban the Philalethes Society from the state of Texas. Texas was to have the unique distinction of being the only state in the Union to not allow the Philalethes Society within its borders. Whether it was the actions of the Dallas Chapter of the Philalethes Society inviting a Prince Hall Mason to address it and having women in the lobby of the hotel where they met or whether it was this lecture that precipitated such a harsh and severe censorship against The Philalethes Society we do not know.
What we do know is that the truth shall set you free!
Nelson King, FPS, BF
Editor The Philalethes Society
Black and White
A History of
Prince Hall
For more than two centuries Prince Hall Freemasonry has been the most lied about
organization in the world. Caucasian or Mainstream Freemasonry has misstated the
facts about it; Black Freemasons and their supporters have exaggerated its history and
its hierarchy.
It should be noted The Philalethes Society printed the first article declaring Prince Hall
Masonry as regular in 1947, yes 1947 some 50 years before the United Grand Lodge of
England did. The Philalethes Society is the oldest and largest Masonic Research
Society in the World having members within 185 Regular Grand Lodges, including the
only Grand Lodge in a Communist Country and the only Grand Lodge within a Muslim
Country. --- Cuba and Turkey. And yes we do, it seems, to upset some Grand Bodies,
and Grand Masters, but then we are trying to make Masons think. And it is in some
cases it is a darn hard job.
To date 37 US Grand Lodges have either fully recognized Prince Hall Grand Lodges or
declared Prince Hall as Regular. The Grand Lodges of England, Scotland, Ireland and
Australia have recognized Prince Hall. All but 2 Grand Lodges and Provincial Grand
Lodges in Canada have recognized Prince Hall and all have declared Prince Hall Grand
Lodges as Regular. My Grand Lodge the Gran Logia de Costa Rica has recognized
Prince Hall. I should mention that I am talking about Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges,
not Prince Hall Origin Grand Lodges or any of the over 220 plus Black Grand Lodges in
the United States. My Brethren it is time to join hands with a body of men who were
proud of their heritage as Prince Hall Masons; as proud as we are to be Freemasons.
Some continue to quote, or use as arguments, misstatements of the past that have long
been discredited.
We first hear that Prince Hall was born in Bridgetown, Barbados, B.W.I. His father
Thomas Prince Hall was an English leather worker, and his mother, a free colored
woman of French extraction. To date there has never been any proof of the birth place,
or who the parents of Prince Hall where, there has only been speculation.
But who was this Prince Hall? Prince Hall seems to have always referred to himself as
an ‘African'. And probably with some pride for, in my view, he was an African, having
been seized in some part of West Africa as a lad of between eleven and fourteen and
brought to New England by a slave-trader and sold as a slave. It is not impossible that
he was actually sold to William Hall and it is also likely that he took the ‘Hall' from the
family which he served so faithfully for twenty-one years. This is impossible to prove but
is, I submit, a likely inference.
There is no doubt that Prince Hall was, as the official story says, ‘religiously inclined' -
but the facts are not as recorded in the Prince Hall Masonic Year Book. In a Deposition,
which is recorded in the Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Register of Deeds, made by
Prince Hall in August 1807, just a few months before he died, he stated that he was a
leather-dresser by trade; that he was 'about seventy'; that in November 1762 he had
been received into the full communion of the Congregational Church which had its
meeting place in School Street, Boston.
Prince Hall married five times - according to the official records of the City of Boston.
Prince Hall is buried in Copp's Hill Burying Ground in Boston in the same grave as his
first wife. The monumental stone carries the inscription:
Here lies ye body of Sarah Ritchery, wife of Prince Hall, died Feby the 26th, 1769, aged
24 years.
On the back of the stone, added some time later, is the inscription:
Here lies the body of Prince Hall, First Grand Master of the Colored Grand Lodge of
Masons in Mass., died Dec 7, 1807.
Whoever cut this last inscription took as the date of death the date of the announcement
in the newspaper (7 December) and not the actual date of death (4 December). It is a
little curious that Prince Hall should be buried in the grave of his first wife; one would
have thought that his last wife might have had other ideas, but perhaps Prince Hall
owned the plot in the cemetery. This cannot be checked for the interment records are
As an individual, Prince Hall took a great interest in the welfare of the African-American
people in Boston and in Massachusetts. He continually badgered the city fathers of
Boston and also the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts in respect of the proper provision of schools for the education of the
children of the African-American population.
We then hear the initiation of Prince Hall and fourteen other men of color was illegal...
There were fourteen military lodges in and around Boston in 1775. Of these one was
English, four were Scottish and the remainder were Irish. There seems to be very little
doubt, having consulted the Grand Lodge Registers that Irish Lodge No. 441, in which
Sergeant John Batt was a member, was the lodge in which Prince Hall was initiated.
John Batt is registered as a member of Lodge 441 in the register in Dublin under the
date of 2 May 1771.
Lodge 441 was warranted on 4 July 1765 to meet in the 38th Regiment of Foot (1st
Battalion South Staffordshires). The lodge warrant was subsequently, in 1840, returned
to the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The number 441 was later, in 1918, reissued to the T.W.
Braithwaite Lodge, meeting in Belfast.
The initiation of Prince Hall and fourteen other men of color took place in Boston in the
Colony of Massachusetts on March 6 1775. The presiding officer was one John Blatt of
this Irish Military Lodge No. 441.
If these men were illegal Masons, what constituted a legal Mason prior to the formation
of the Grand Lodge system in the USA? There were none before 1778 when the Grand
Lodge of Virginia was instituted. Before then there were Provincial Grand Lodges--
several of them. In Massachusetts there were two such bodies. One held allegiance to
the "Modern" Grand Lodge of England; the other, the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Studying the works of Henry Wilson Coil, Melvin Maynard Johnson, J. Hugo Tatsch,
Harry Carr and many others we find there were hundreds of "illegal" Masons in the early
days of Freemasonry in America. For example, the members of the lodge that met in
Philadelphia in 1731 (and perhaps earlier) made Masons. Was Benjamin Franklin, who
was made a Mason in this lodge, illegal or a clandestine Mason? What about the
legality of the organizers of the lodge that was formed in Boston in the Colony of
Massachusetts in 1733? The Lodge at Fredericksburgh in the Colony of Virginia came
into being with a slate of officers on September 1, 1752. Where were those men illegal
or a clandestine Masons?
When or where did the eminent compiler of The Constitutions of the Free-Masons,
[better known as the Antient Charges] James Anderson, who in 1731 received the
degree of D.D., become a Freemason? No one knows. He was, however, a member of
the Lodge at the Horn, Westminster, in 1723. This was the year of the adoption of the
Constitutions. And he was far from being in the minority.
These were the men who gave us Freemasonry in USA and England. If they were
illegal or clandestine Masons, as the critics’ claim the men of color were, then most of
us are illegally claiming to be Freemasons. As I understand the law, an illegal act
cannot be made legal.
Some claim African Lodge which the men of color formed was illegal. Was it? We
proudly proclaim the supremacy of the Grand Lodge of England. It was the Grand
Lodge of England that granted a Warrant on September 29, 1784 for African Lodge No.
459, and this Warrant is still in existence. This Warrant is identical to other Warrants
issued by the Grand Lodge of England, with the only changes the names to whom it
was issued and the location of the Lodge. A copy of the wording of this Warrant and is
an addendum to this paper.
Who gave the Lodge in Philadelphia a Warrant before it came into existence? And let's
return to the Lodge at Fredericksburgh, now Fredericksburgh No.4, in Virginia. This
unwarranted lodge initiated Major George Washington on November 4, 1752, the first
time it conferred a degree. It went even further. It Passed him a Fellowcraft on March 3
and on August 4, 1753 he was Raised a Master Mason. It was July 21, 1758, five years
later, before the Grand Lodge of Scotland gave it a Warrant making it a "legal" lodge.
Who among us dares to claim Washington was a clandestine Mason?
Yet others say African Lodge had no right to Warrant other lodges and form a Grand
Lodge. Again let's return to the Lodge at Fredericksburgh. It warranted two lodges:
Falmouth and Botetourt. Botetourt and Fredericksburgh helped form the Grand Lodge of
Virginia, and both are still in existence. What did the only lodge in Massachusetts do after 1733? Didn't it form a Provincial Grand Lodge and then Warrant other lodges, and not only in Massachusetts? Whyshould African Lodge be refused the same privilege?
We also hear that African Lodge was erased by the United Grand Lodge of England;
therefore whether or not it remained a lodge is moot. This is partially true. After the two
rival Grand Lodges in England ("Antients" and "Moderns") were united by two blood
brothers who became Grand Masters, African Lodge was erased from the roster. So
was every lodge in America still on the roles of either of the rival Grand Lodges. This
included about half of the lodges in Massachusetts! Has any critic dared claim all other
American lodges erased from the roster of the United Grand Lodge of England are
We hear that Exclusive Jurisdiction is world wide and must be observed. Nothing could
be further from the truth. Any researcher worth receiving Master's Wages can point out
numerous exceptions to this statement. The Grand Lodges of Scotland, Ireland and
England have many lodges working side by side in many countries. What about
Massachusetts with lodges in Panama, Chile, and Japan? Then there's New York with
lodges it had in Lebanon. Then we have the Grand Lodges of Washington and Alaska.
Exclusive jurisdiction, ironically, was a creature of the Grand Lodge of New York (not
Massachusetts as is generally believed. It's exclusively an American invention.
Shouldn't universality reach out to all men of good will?
We are told African Lodge was dormant for a number of years. Perhaps! But so were
numerous other lodges. Research the anti-Masonic craze beginning in 1826. Check out
the vast number of lodges giving up their charters. Hundreds of them came back into
the fold with no condemnation. Why should they be privileged and African Lodge not?
"Prince Hall Grand Lodge declared itself free from all authority in 1827." The first to so
declare in this country was Virginia in 1778. Others followed. Why aren't they
condemned and declared illegitimate?
We also hear that Prince Hall only accepts Christians and Black Men as members;
nothing could be further from the Truth. One quick example is that the SGW of the Most
Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario is Caucasian. And I have sat in open
Lodge with Prince Hall Masons of every color and creed.
At the start of this presentation I said “I am talking about Prince Hall Affiliated Grand
Lodges, not Prince Hall Origin Grand Lodges or any of the over 200 plus Black Grand
Lodges in the United States.” Many of these so called Grand Lodges also use the name
Prince Hall. Some are called Prince Hall Origin. My Brethren these are not Regular
Grand Lodges and are not Recognized. Only those Prince Hall Grand Lodges who are
Known as Prince Hall Affiliate are Regular, and are members of the Prince Hall
Conference Of Grand Masters, 1901 11th Street, NW, Washington Dc, 20001. It is
interesting to note that PHA Masons refer to the “others” as bogus masons. In fact there
are number of this “bogus” Grand Lodges in Texas and they are:
1. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (TX)
2. Alpha Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
3. Sunset Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
4. St. Joseph Grand Lodge (Colored) AF&AM (TX)
5. King Solomon Grand Lodge (Colored) AF&AM (TX)
6. King Solomon United Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
7. Dozo Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
8. United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge, Inc. (TX)
9. Universal Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
10. Mount Carmel Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
11. Mount Sinai Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
12. Hiram Tyrar Grand Lodge AF&AM (TX)
And there may be more. There is only one Regular PHA Grand Lodge in Texas, and it
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F&AM
2851 Evans Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76104
My Brethren, any Masonic organization that has stood the test of time, [220 years] must
be considered legitimate.
My thanks to my late mentor, Allen Roberts, for parts of this address have been copied
from Allen.
Over the last number of years it has become my custom to close with the following.
Brethren I would like all of you to stand now I would like you to turn to the Brother
beside you and grasp his hand with the Grip of a Mason.
Now I want you to ask yourself how many Masons would you trust with your life savings,
your home, your family's well being, and even your life, on that Grip.
If you are honest, the answers will be "not many" or "very few" or even "I can count on
one hand the number that I would trust." Why even some of you, will say to yourself "not
Well my Brethren, it never used to be like this. What a shame that Freemasonry has
sunk so low. It is up to each and every one of you to help bring Freemasonry back to
her former glory.
Thank you and God Bless.
TO ALL AND EVERY our Right Worshipful & loving Brethren, we Thomas Howard,
Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard, etc. etc. etc., Acting Grand Master under
the authority of His Royal Highness, Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland etc.
etc. etc., Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free
and Accepted Masons, sends greeting:
KNOW YE, that we, at the humble petition of our right trusty and well-beloved, Brethren,
Prince Hall, Boston Smith, Thomas Sanderson and several other Brethren residing in
Boston, New England in North America do hereby constitute the said Brethren into a
regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, under the title or denomination of the
African Lodge, to be opened in Boston aforesaid, and do further at their said petition,
hereby appoint the said Prince Hall to be Master, Boston Smith, Senior Warden, and
Thomas Sanderson, Junior Warden, for opening the said Lodge, and for such further
time only as shall be thought proper by the Brethren thereof, it being our will that this
our appointment of the officers shall in now wise affect any future election of officers of
the Lodge, but that such election shall be regulated agreeable to such by-laws of said
Lodge as shall be consistent with the general laws of the society, contained in the Book
of Constitution: and we hereby will and require you, the said Prince Hall, to take special
care that all and every the said Brethren are or have been regularly made Masons, and
that they do observe, perform and keep all the rules and orders contained in the Book of
Constitutions; and further, that you do, from time to time, cause to be entered in a book
kept for that purpose, an account of your proceedings in the Lodge, together with all
such rules, orders and regulations, as shall be made for the good government of the
same, that in no wise you omit once in every year to send to us, or our successors,
Grand Masters, or to Rowland Holt, Esq,. Our Deputy Grand Master, for the time being
an account in writing of your said proceedings and copies of such rules, orders and
regulations as shall be made as aforesaid, together with a list of the members of the
Lodge, and such a sum of money as may suit the circumstances of the Lodge and
reasonably be expected, toward the Grand Charity. Moreover, we hereby will and
require you, the said Prince Hall, as soon as conveniently may be, to send an account
in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents.
Given at London, under our hand
and seal of Masonry, this 29th
day of September, A .L. 5784,
A. D. 1784.
"By the Grand Master's Command,
R. Holt, D. G. M."
Wm. White, G. S."
Dear Brother Milliken:
We will gladly give you permission to publish on the Internet the copyright article from The Philalethes Magazine©, The Philalethes CD-Rom© or web sites providing the following:
A. That credit is given to the author.
B. It is noted that the article is reprinted from The Philalethes, with permission.
C. That the copyright notice attached to the article is displayed with the article.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Nelson King, FPS
2 Knockbolt Crescent
Toronto ON Canada M1S 2P6
West Virginia Saga Continues
From "Masonic Crusade" comes this information.
The lawsuit will go forth.
I have to ask, has either side thought about sitting down and listening to each other and trying to work out a compromise?
Would it not be in the best interests of Mainstream Freemasonry for another Grand Lodge or national Masonic figure to step in and offer compulsory arbitration in preference to allowing this lawsuit to continue?
Sadly I just don't see that happening. Once again unless we find a way to police ourselves we will suffer the indignities of others doing it for us.
If this lawsuit continues I see the government initiating and imposing itself into Mainstream Freemasonry charging it with racial discrimination.
After that it will do the same with gender discrimination.
Motion to dismiss denied!
Word is out today that Judge Berger denied every point of the defendants' motion to dismiss.This means the Court Case will go on.... Brethren we will have our day in court!
A Mason
The lawsuit will go forth.
I have to ask, has either side thought about sitting down and listening to each other and trying to work out a compromise?
Would it not be in the best interests of Mainstream Freemasonry for another Grand Lodge or national Masonic figure to step in and offer compulsory arbitration in preference to allowing this lawsuit to continue?
Sadly I just don't see that happening. Once again unless we find a way to police ourselves we will suffer the indignities of others doing it for us.
If this lawsuit continues I see the government initiating and imposing itself into Mainstream Freemasonry charging it with racial discrimination.
After that it will do the same with gender discrimination.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Welcome Freemasons Press

There is a new Masonic Magazine, a Quarterly Review, on the market - "Freemasons Press". You might not hear about this new publication from other popular bloggers who have invested in another new American venture that needs no competition. Freemasons Press touts itself as being An Independent Review not beholden to any jurisdiction. Of course it has a forum where one doesn't have to be careful about critisizing American Grand Lodges, like the Grand Lodge of West Virginia ( which if so constricted enables WVA to continue medieval Masonry).
Here is what the publication says about itself:
Independent Masonic Review
Freemasons Press is an Independent International Quarterly Review on Freemasonry and related subjects.
“Independent” means that views and opinions expressed here are not of any Masonic organization or group, nor of the publisher, but solely of individual authors of various papers and articles. Independent also means that publishing of the FP Review is not financed by any of the Masonic organizations or groups but strictly through the subscriptions and donations from the readers.
“International” means that the views, news, articles and papers published in FP Review come from the authors from all over the world. Those papers and articles written in other languages than English are always published in both original language and English translation. International also means that the FP Review is distributed worldwide.
“Quarterly” means that FP Review is published four times a year: September 1st – Fall Issue, December 1st-Winter Issue, Mart 1st-Spring Issue, and June 1st- Summer Issue.
“Review on Freemasonry and related subjects” means that we publish articles and papers on all aspects of Freemasonry: history, philosophy, symbolism, ritual, and current issues and events. We also publish articles on related esoteric subjects like Cabala, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Mystery Schools and Tarot.
As Freemasons we believe in freedom of expression. In accepting papers and articles we do not discriminate on basis of Masonic affiliation, understanding of Freemasonry, Masonic grade, race, ethnic or religion origin or gender. The only criteria for publishing an article or paper is the quality of the content of the article and benefits it may have for our Masonic and non-Masonic readers.
The purpose and mission of the FP Review comes out of our duty as Freemasons: To work on our self-improvement, to search for that which was lost, to gather that which was scattered, and always, always to stand for the highest ethical values and more than anything - TRUTH…
Freemasons Press is a world wide publication and will publish in multiple languages. It will be open to everyone and will publish stories of many different obediences. You can see by some of its contibuting authors that ity has a good world wide spread.
The Author of the "Royal Art" and "The Purpose of Freemasonry"
The Author of the "Via Iniziatica E Nuova Era"
The Author of "The Secret Castle"
Educator, Researcher, and Published Author in the field of Medical Sciences
The Founder of the TemplarSeal Society, Published Author and Lecturer
Published Author, Educator, and Independent Researcher
Professional Musician, College Professor, Published Author, Reiki Master and a Freemason
One of the pioneers of the Female Freemasonry on both American contients, and active member of the Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium
The Author of the "Mala Knjiga O Pocetku"(Little Book of Creation), and the founding member of the Lectorium Rosicricianum-Belgrade
Issue #! will be out this September and will include the following stories:
"QUO VADIS DOMINE?" - The Dawn of the Third Millennium
Aquarian Age and the Path if Initiation
The Strange Franciscan Connection
The Healing Power of Sound
Rosslyn Chapel
The Lodge Aurora and its Temple
The Human Being as a Microcosm
Humanity, Humility, Humiliation And Freemasonry
The Godmother
One Europe, One Freemasonry, Same Goals - Is it possible? What UGLE says?
If I were going to add another Masonic Research and Journalistic adventure to The Scottish Rite Research Society, The Philalethes Society, The Phylaxis Society it would be Freemasons Press. Its independence is something that David Lettlier, Tom Thorton and I have promoted and carried over into a Masonic Yahoo Group. That freedom is very important in being able to speak out for or against actions, programs and solutions in one's own jurisdiction. Editor in Chief, Stevan V. Nikolic explains it very well in Freemasons Press' press release.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- In the first issue of FREEMASONS PRESS readers will find 132 pages of articles and papers on various aspects of Freemasonry written by the prominent Masonic scholars from the USA, England, France, Italy, Spain, and Serbia, as well as views and news from the Masonic organizations, groups, and communities worldwide.
Editor in Chief, Mr. Stevan V. Nikolic ( from New York) says: "Freemasons Press was envisioned as an open arena for free expression of the views and opinions on Freemasonry and related subjects. Our ambition is to become the most popular Masonic publication worldwide. As Freemasons we believe in freedom of expression. In accepting papers and articles we do not discriminate on basis of Masonic affiliation, understanding of Freemasonry, Masonic grade, race, ethnic or religious origin or gender. The only criterion for publishing an article or paper is the quality of the content of the article and benefits it may have for our Masonic and non-Masonic readers. Some of the readers may be enlightened with the controversial content of the Review, others enraged and disturbed, but none will stay indifferent."
Freemasonry is the oldest and largest international fraternity. There are an estimated 3 million Freemasons worldwide, and more than a half of it in the United States. Most of the Masonic periodicals around the world are under strict control and censorship of the organizations that publish them, and express only the views of those particular groups. The efforts by some Freemasons to start an independent and international publication were usually labeled as heretical, un-Masonic, and even anti-Masonic.
"It seems that we have "struck the cord"-says Michael Nicholas, the London correspondent of the Freemasons Press; - "The first issue just came out, and we already have subscribers from USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Africa, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Serbia.
Let's see the competition top this one!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Putting It All Together
I was sitting in church last week listening to Father preach his homily when he began to outline how all of us congregants could obtain a better understanding of our faith. It wasn't enough to come to Mass and try to get all the meanings and nuances of our faith in lessons and worship of one hour. Furthermore, he said, there was no interaction of the faith, not enough participation and communal community.
He announced the coming formation of a men's group and a women's group which the church lacks now. He emphasized the adult (as well as child) Christian education programs now in place. He prodded us to get involved in the missionary and charitible work of the church. He asked us to share our talents of speaking or singing or organizing or teaching or whatever our talent might be with the rest of the church.
In short what he was prescribing was living our faith inside a community, a caring and sharing community that seeks to understand through study and sharing and participation and involvement in community thereby reaching an understanding of meaning, a developing of a relationship with Christ with live application. What he was talking about in four words or less was "Putting It All Together."
Of course almost immediately my mind jumped into an analogy with Lodge. I have a Canadain friend and Brother who insists that all that is necessary for the education of a Mason is for him to learn and continuously experience the ritual of the Craft. Learn the ritual and come to Lodge and you have all the tools necessary. And that's what a good number of us do.
But it's not enough. Just going to Lodge only is like just going to church service only. A twenty minute sermon or a twenty minute Masonic lesson is not enough. There has to be more for Freemasons to understand Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is a way of life not a twice monthly experience. It doesn't start or finish just within the confines of a tyled Lodge Meeting. You have to live Freemasonry. And in order to live it within the concept of Masonic community you need to do things together as Brothers. You study together. Just like churches have Bible study, Lodges need esoteric Masonic study groups. You need to bond together by participating as a community in helping the world outside the Lodge room. You also need to celebrate your Freemasonry in special events of Masonic expression. And you need to come together in refreshment, relaxation and social good times. Your Lodge needs to be a family that lives Freemasonry together just as a family lives life together.
If your Lodge doesn't try to create a sense of Masonic community it is missing putting together all the ingredients that make not only a Mason a better man but makes the group as a whole have a unique identity. A way of life if that is what Freemasonry is has to be actively participated in, in all the different facets that help create a true Lodge family. What you need to do is put it all together.
He announced the coming formation of a men's group and a women's group which the church lacks now. He emphasized the adult (as well as child) Christian education programs now in place. He prodded us to get involved in the missionary and charitible work of the church. He asked us to share our talents of speaking or singing or organizing or teaching or whatever our talent might be with the rest of the church.
In short what he was prescribing was living our faith inside a community, a caring and sharing community that seeks to understand through study and sharing and participation and involvement in community thereby reaching an understanding of meaning, a developing of a relationship with Christ with live application. What he was talking about in four words or less was "Putting It All Together."
Of course almost immediately my mind jumped into an analogy with Lodge. I have a Canadain friend and Brother who insists that all that is necessary for the education of a Mason is for him to learn and continuously experience the ritual of the Craft. Learn the ritual and come to Lodge and you have all the tools necessary. And that's what a good number of us do.
But it's not enough. Just going to Lodge only is like just going to church service only. A twenty minute sermon or a twenty minute Masonic lesson is not enough. There has to be more for Freemasons to understand Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is a way of life not a twice monthly experience. It doesn't start or finish just within the confines of a tyled Lodge Meeting. You have to live Freemasonry. And in order to live it within the concept of Masonic community you need to do things together as Brothers. You study together. Just like churches have Bible study, Lodges need esoteric Masonic study groups. You need to bond together by participating as a community in helping the world outside the Lodge room. You also need to celebrate your Freemasonry in special events of Masonic expression. And you need to come together in refreshment, relaxation and social good times. Your Lodge needs to be a family that lives Freemasonry together just as a family lives life together.
If your Lodge doesn't try to create a sense of Masonic community it is missing putting together all the ingredients that make not only a Mason a better man but makes the group as a whole have a unique identity. A way of life if that is what Freemasonry is has to be actively participated in, in all the different facets that help create a true Lodge family. What you need to do is put it all together.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
After Further Thought
After a scattering of comments here and there that I was painting a false picture of the West Virginia situation and that I had failed to consider that Frank Haas had violated his obligations and also the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia, I stopped to reassess my position and take stock of what I had said. Could I be missing something in all this? Had I failed to realize the extent of the requirements of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia?
Well I must admit I do not have a copy of the Constitutions & By-Laws of The Grand Lodge of West Virginia and so I do not know all the ins and outs of its rules and regulations. So, ya, maybe you got me. But, however, if a Grand Lodge is going to divorce itself from the common traditions of American Freemasonry and operate outside the spirit of universal American Masonic governance, then while critics may be legally correct, I am still not going to be sympathetic.
Let's take the issue of Campaigning. In all the jurisdictions I know of that have a prohibition against campaigning (and not all do), what they are talking about is the electioneering of an individual human being aspiring to elective office. They are not talking about issues, programs or reforms. The idea that any championing of causes, reforms or programs is illegal under the No Campaigning rule just doesn't fit into the spirit of American Freemasonry.
Brothers have often said to me that if I don't like the way my Grand Lodge is operating that I should get involved, run for office and seek to change it. The idea that in so doing I would be performing an illegal act which was contrary to my Masonic obligations would not only be foreign to me but would entirely defeat the purpose of trying to make things better.
I have been told that in the Grand Lodge of West Virginia the only person that can introduce proposals to be voted on is the Grand Master. No one else can propose any legislation, programs or reforms. So the criticism that Frank Haas was visting many Lodges across the state to champion the very issues that he would introduce as Grand Master and thereafter to reintroduce the very reforms that were passed by a majority vote but rescinded by edict of another Grand Master is not something that most American Grand Lodges would find fault with.
I would say that removing legislation by edict that was just passed by a majority vote of the Grand Lodges members present in Grand Session to be something if not violating the letter of the law, certainly violates the spirit of the law. Why permit any voting at all if the Grand Master can negate anything he doesn't agree with? And how is an individual supposed to try to make his Grand Lodge better and work for immprovements if he cannot introduce any issues nor speak out for any programs or reforms? Is operating a private Masonic website in West Virginia also illegal and a violation of one's obligations? Does E-Mailing Brethren around the state or posting public essays on blogs or Masonic Internet Forums also fall into the same category? Perhaps West Virginia's slogan might be - "Don't Think, Your Grand Master Does That For You".
Next let's deal with the charge of "Giving Away Masonic Secrets". It is so charged by critics that Frank Haas did that by meeting with Prince Hall officials and that in so doing he was talking with a clandestine Masonic organization which was against the rules and regulations of his Grand Lodge and violated his obligations. Now there was no Masonic Communication here, just Masonic discourse. It is my understanding that they met at a hotel to discuss the possibility and lay the groundwork for recognition.
All the American Grand Lodges I know of have a proibition against sitting in a tyled Lodge meeting of a Lodge that has been declared clandestine by that Grand Lodge. Very few have gone to the extreme of prohibitng Masonic discourse - talking with a clandestine Mason. Which means that I can talk to my sister-in-law or a stranger at the grocery store more about Freemasonry than I can one who is clandestine. Furthernore it gives to a Grand Master the right to tell you in your private life outside the Lodge who you can associate with and who you can talk to, rights that are guaranteed to be our own decision by the Constitution of The United States. I fail to see where this type of rigid control merits itself to be in the spirit of common American Masonic usage.
If you can never, ever, ever talk to Prince Hall how are you going to work out the details of recognition with them? I suppose that's the point.
Furthermore I find the policy of The Grand Lodge of West Virginia prohibiting Lodges from any association with DeMolay or Rainbow either in providing a meeting place, advising or financing and its refusal to join in the Conference of Grand Masters an indication of just how far divorced from mainstream Freemasonry this Grand Lodge operates.
Lastly if there was merit to the charges against Frank Haas and agreement that the letter of the law should be enforced without regard to the spirit of the law, then perhaps it could have been done in an honest, ethical and Masonic manner. Frank Haas has said he was asked by the Grand Master if he was going to attend the next meeting of his Lodge and that the question was not demanding or demeaning in any way but had him thinking about possible commendations for his Lodge. When the the night of the meeting arrived and the Grand Master assumed the East, with no prior notice he rudely expelled Frandk Haas and another in front of his own father who he knew would be there also. That's the way to stick it to him!
Much more common in most Grand Lodges would be a policy of first delivering to the individual Brother written charges explaining the alleged violations and then to hold a Masonic Trial. Only when a verdict of guilty was brought back would a Grand Master then expel a Mason. No matter what the law is in West Virginia the fact that Frank Haas was not privately served and publically tried with due notice and a chance to answer the charges brought against him was a violation of his due process and the spirit of Masonic fairness. Rather the path chosen was one of secret instant expulsion -AMBUSH - with no recourse in front of all those Brethren whom he held dear in order to publically embarass and humiliate him. It is this final act that turns the stomach of those of us who actually practice the virtues of Freemasonry.
Well I must admit I do not have a copy of the Constitutions & By-Laws of The Grand Lodge of West Virginia and so I do not know all the ins and outs of its rules and regulations. So, ya, maybe you got me. But, however, if a Grand Lodge is going to divorce itself from the common traditions of American Freemasonry and operate outside the spirit of universal American Masonic governance, then while critics may be legally correct, I am still not going to be sympathetic.
Let's take the issue of Campaigning. In all the jurisdictions I know of that have a prohibition against campaigning (and not all do), what they are talking about is the electioneering of an individual human being aspiring to elective office. They are not talking about issues, programs or reforms. The idea that any championing of causes, reforms or programs is illegal under the No Campaigning rule just doesn't fit into the spirit of American Freemasonry.
Brothers have often said to me that if I don't like the way my Grand Lodge is operating that I should get involved, run for office and seek to change it. The idea that in so doing I would be performing an illegal act which was contrary to my Masonic obligations would not only be foreign to me but would entirely defeat the purpose of trying to make things better.
I have been told that in the Grand Lodge of West Virginia the only person that can introduce proposals to be voted on is the Grand Master. No one else can propose any legislation, programs or reforms. So the criticism that Frank Haas was visting many Lodges across the state to champion the very issues that he would introduce as Grand Master and thereafter to reintroduce the very reforms that were passed by a majority vote but rescinded by edict of another Grand Master is not something that most American Grand Lodges would find fault with.
I would say that removing legislation by edict that was just passed by a majority vote of the Grand Lodges members present in Grand Session to be something if not violating the letter of the law, certainly violates the spirit of the law. Why permit any voting at all if the Grand Master can negate anything he doesn't agree with? And how is an individual supposed to try to make his Grand Lodge better and work for immprovements if he cannot introduce any issues nor speak out for any programs or reforms? Is operating a private Masonic website in West Virginia also illegal and a violation of one's obligations? Does E-Mailing Brethren around the state or posting public essays on blogs or Masonic Internet Forums also fall into the same category? Perhaps West Virginia's slogan might be - "Don't Think, Your Grand Master Does That For You".
Next let's deal with the charge of "Giving Away Masonic Secrets". It is so charged by critics that Frank Haas did that by meeting with Prince Hall officials and that in so doing he was talking with a clandestine Masonic organization which was against the rules and regulations of his Grand Lodge and violated his obligations. Now there was no Masonic Communication here, just Masonic discourse. It is my understanding that they met at a hotel to discuss the possibility and lay the groundwork for recognition.
All the American Grand Lodges I know of have a proibition against sitting in a tyled Lodge meeting of a Lodge that has been declared clandestine by that Grand Lodge. Very few have gone to the extreme of prohibitng Masonic discourse - talking with a clandestine Mason. Which means that I can talk to my sister-in-law or a stranger at the grocery store more about Freemasonry than I can one who is clandestine. Furthernore it gives to a Grand Master the right to tell you in your private life outside the Lodge who you can associate with and who you can talk to, rights that are guaranteed to be our own decision by the Constitution of The United States. I fail to see where this type of rigid control merits itself to be in the spirit of common American Masonic usage.
If you can never, ever, ever talk to Prince Hall how are you going to work out the details of recognition with them? I suppose that's the point.
Furthermore I find the policy of The Grand Lodge of West Virginia prohibiting Lodges from any association with DeMolay or Rainbow either in providing a meeting place, advising or financing and its refusal to join in the Conference of Grand Masters an indication of just how far divorced from mainstream Freemasonry this Grand Lodge operates.
Lastly if there was merit to the charges against Frank Haas and agreement that the letter of the law should be enforced without regard to the spirit of the law, then perhaps it could have been done in an honest, ethical and Masonic manner. Frank Haas has said he was asked by the Grand Master if he was going to attend the next meeting of his Lodge and that the question was not demanding or demeaning in any way but had him thinking about possible commendations for his Lodge. When the the night of the meeting arrived and the Grand Master assumed the East, with no prior notice he rudely expelled Frandk Haas and another in front of his own father who he knew would be there also. That's the way to stick it to him!
Much more common in most Grand Lodges would be a policy of first delivering to the individual Brother written charges explaining the alleged violations and then to hold a Masonic Trial. Only when a verdict of guilty was brought back would a Grand Master then expel a Mason. No matter what the law is in West Virginia the fact that Frank Haas was not privately served and publically tried with due notice and a chance to answer the charges brought against him was a violation of his due process and the spirit of Masonic fairness. Rather the path chosen was one of secret instant expulsion -AMBUSH - with no recourse in front of all those Brethren whom he held dear in order to publically embarass and humiliate him. It is this final act that turns the stomach of those of us who actually practice the virtues of Freemasonry.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
MW Prince Hall GL of WVA Joins in Haas Lawsuit
Grand Master Robin Griffith of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia has filed an Amicus Brief in support of Frank Haas' lawsuit against the Grand Lodge of West Virginia. Grand Griffith said in the brief that Haas was expelled for trying to initiate talks with him for recognition violating his due process. And then he said something that I have been saying all along, that the actions of one Grand Lodge reflect on all Grand Lodges and that one bad apple can spoil the whole basket of apples for everybody.
His words in the brief filed:
The Chrleston Gazette quotes Bob Allen, Hass' attorney, thusly: "Allen said that grand masters cannot act in "an arbitrary and oppressive manner, and that's exactly what he's done."
Not only was Haas' expulsion not in comportment with current Masonic practice but the revoking of reforms by edict that were voted on in the affirmative by a majority vote of the Grand Lodge is also a violation of proper procedure and probably Grand Lodge by-laws.
But that is far from the only examples of the treachery of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia. The Charleston Gazette further reports:
Now I.M. Hiram was interviewed by Masonic blogger Brother Eric Diamond for his podcast on his Masonic blog X-Oriente. You might remember the great radio podcast Brother Diamond did on "The Iceman". Well this time with I.M. Hiram he disguised his voice so his true identity would be hidden. It is a telling indictment of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia that I.M. Hiram makes and which can be heard on:
So why would the current Grand Master of West Virginia demand to know the true identity of I.M. Hiram? Does the Grand Lodge of West Virginia also feel it has the right to repeal the right of free speech guaranteed under the US Constituion?
When I asked Brother Diamond here is what he had to say:
Yup, us Prince Hall guys we have cahunahs and we ain't afraid to call 'em like we see 'em.
His words in the brief filed:
"The Plaintiff, former Grand Master Haas, in 2006, instituted reforms in the West Virginia Grand Lodge designated to initiate the process of recognition of the Prince Hall Lodges. Such reforms were revoked by the edict of the Grand Master who succeeded former Grand Master Haas in October 2006. Subsequently, Mr. Haas was summarily expelled from Masonry in West Virginia on Novemeber 19, 2007, by edict of the current Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia, without notice, without hearing and without an opportunity for Mr. Haas to refute the charge brought against him. Such summary expulsion is a violation of Mr. Haas' due process rights as a citizen of the United States and his rights as a Mason, pursuant to the jurisprudence of Freemasonry. The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia stands for the proposition that all Masons subject to the authority of Regular Grand Lodges, mainstream or otherwise, are entitled to notice of charges and an opporunity to be heard prior to expulsion."
"The Defendants' position in their motion to dismiss is, in its essence, that the authority of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia is absolute and the courts of the United States and, particularly this Court, have no authority to question the Grand Masters will. If this Court were to sanction the Defendants' position by dismissing Plaintiff's Complaint, such a decision would have precedential authority in the application of the Courts to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, as well as to Plaintiff and defendants."
The Chrleston Gazette quotes Bob Allen, Hass' attorney, thusly: "Allen said that grand masters cannot act in "an arbitrary and oppressive manner, and that's exactly what he's done."
Not only was Haas' expulsion not in comportment with current Masonic practice but the revoking of reforms by edict that were voted on in the affirmative by a majority vote of the Grand Lodge is also a violation of proper procedure and probably Grand Lodge by-laws.
But that is far from the only examples of the treachery of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia. The Charleston Gazette further reports:
"The unsubstantiated allegations against Haas include his involvement in Masonic Crusade, Allen said. Masonic Crusade is a message board Web site for West Virginia Masons."
"In their court filings, the defendants have asked Haas to identify the names, e-mail addresses, aliases and/or pen names of all individuals who contribute or comment on the Masonic Crusade site."
"The interrogatories specifically ask for information on individuals who post under the names "I.M. Hiram" and "A Mason," and ask Haas to describe his involvement in "the mass e-mailing campaign of the individual or individuals" writing as I.M. Hiram."
Now I.M. Hiram was interviewed by Masonic blogger Brother Eric Diamond for his podcast on his Masonic blog X-Oriente. You might remember the great radio podcast Brother Diamond did on "The Iceman". Well this time with I.M. Hiram he disguised his voice so his true identity would be hidden. It is a telling indictment of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia that I.M. Hiram makes and which can be heard on:
So why would the current Grand Master of West Virginia demand to know the true identity of I.M. Hiram? Does the Grand Lodge of West Virginia also feel it has the right to repeal the right of free speech guaranteed under the US Constituion?
When I asked Brother Diamond here is what he had to say:
"I'm sure the Grand Lodge would looooove to know who both I.M Hiram is and the folks behind are."
"Haas has nothing to do with either nor I.M. Hiram. I've talked to both parties and asked them directly, and I've no reason to doubt their veracity. In fact, I seriously doubt if Haas even knows who these guys are. And if I were him, and I knew who they were, I certainly wouldn't reveal their identity. He would be under obligation to protect the secrets of a Master Mason as inviolate as his own, except for murder and treason. Last I check, nobody in West Virginia has died from this ordeal (except perhaps from embarrassment), nor is this a case of treason."
"However, as Haas has nothing to do with either I.M. Hiram or neither party is germane to his lawsuit. I'm no lawyer but I would think Haas is under no obligation to answer such a question."
"And really when you get right down to it, who cares who they are? They are just some masons expressing their views. Is that against Grand Lodge code? Have they revealed any secrets of Masonry? Have they violated their obligations? What possible use could the GL have for their names? Unless they wanted to ....
...but no. They wouldn't be THAT callous and slimy, would they?"
"I noticed in the article that the Prince Hall GM come in on the side of Haas, noting that the GM has no authority to act in "an arbitrary and oppressive manner, and that's exactly what he's done."
"For any GL to speak out in support of an expelled mason in another GL takes some stones, gentlemen. Say what you will about those Prince Hall guys, one thing they do not lack is courage."
"Take notice of this. Like I said, there are implications here for the whole Craft."
Yup, us Prince Hall guys we have cahunahs and we ain't afraid to call 'em like we see 'em.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Stephen Dafoe: Continued Creativity

When you no longer interact with a friend on a daily basis it is easy to lose track of what is going on in his life. I manage to touch base with Stephen Dafoe a couple of times a month, but since you probably don’t, let me catch you up on his exploits since he became less visible on Internet Masonry.
Stephen and I have some things in common including a love of history, Freemasonry, writing (although he is the Master and I am the Apprentice), a fascination with Superman when we were young and an avid reader of everything, especially comic books.
It is the latter that is Dafoe’s latest creative work. Teaming with Edmonton artist Bob Proder he is producing a four issue comic book on the saga of The Knights Templar called Outremer. The project would be further along if Dafoe could find a digital coloring artist who would apply himself to the project. So what do you do when you are Stephen Dafoe and you can’t get a subcontractor to do his part? Why you do it yourself, of course.

I had to ask myself how this writer Stephen Dafoe was so different from the typical characterization of writers. He definitely doesn’t fit the mold that comes to mind when “author and writer” pops in one’s brain. The usual depiction is of someone who is part recluse, hiding in the quiet places to pen their works, like a log cabin on the lake or the corner of the local pub; a quiet sometimes nerdy person who would never be considered the life of the party and certainly not as a full grown adult ever involved with comic books. And that is not Stephen Dafoe, not even close. But why?
Although Dafoe might not say it, 21 years as a magician starting as a teenager and extending well into his 30s prepared him and made him the untypical writer- author that he is. A magician is a very creative person. He or she is also a showman. And Stephen Dafoe is the consummate showman. An excellent speaker he is much in demand to share his knowledge and wit in person. He will be a keynote speaker in Manitoba in November. Along with creating a Masonic Internet Forum he soon afterwards launched a Masonic radio show. I know as I was the first interviewee on Radio Free Mason in March of 2005. He appeared with Christopher Hodapp this year on March 17th on the X Zone Radio Show talking Templars. And on March 28th he was on Global TV’s morning show with Lorraine Mansbridge speaking about historical comic books. On October 12, 2008 Dafoe will be interviewed on the Masonic Radio Podcast Masonic Central with which I am associated. His appearance will coincide within one day of the 701st anniversary of the arrest of The Knights Templar. It so happens that I was the first interviewee for this radio program also.
This time as a magician I think has also made Dafoe a very visual person who appreciates the power of pictures and art. Masonic Magazine employed Masonic artist Stephen McKim and Dafoe has also used him for the covers of Outremer and Nobly Born. And his latest book The Compasses and the Cross is an illustrated history of the Knights Templar once again demonstrating Dafoe’s belief that illustrating history is as important as writing about it.
These last two books on the Knights Templar have been the main focus of Dafoe’s time and effort the last two years. Personally I thought that The Knights Templar Revealed written with Alan Butler was a superb book. But Nobly Born will far exceed that work. You can watch the video book promotion here:
The Compasses and the Cross will be out in September.
Last week when we spoke I ribbed Stephen about his withdrawal from a bold presence on the Masonic scene. He said:
“I closed The Lodge Room in December of 2005 and withdrew from Internet Masonry for the most part. But since that time, I’ve served as Grand Pursuivant, Grand District Superintendent and Grand Historian for The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta. It’s not that I’m any less interested in Freemasonry as a concept or philosophy than I was before, but certainly my interests have shifted considerably these past few years.”
And those interests have turned to the Knights Templar and book authorship. Now the book writing I thought was a step up from his beginnings in Internet information sites, articles and essays and magazines. But Stephen said nay, nay not so.
“Actually, I wrote my first book in 1997 and started The Lodge Room in 2001. I’d have to say that the forum stuff was more a diversion than a progression, and these past few years I’ve conscientiously concentrated on getting back to one of the things I’d set out in life to do – write.”
Actually most of the old Masonic sites are still there and have a boat full of useful information for any Freemason. Masonic Dictionary -, The Lodge Room -, Masonic Magazine, where electronic versions of all back issues can still be had - are all maintained and updated periodically by Dafoe.
Of course The Templar History website with a Templar Forum is going strong along with Templar History Magazine - But all is not Templar with Stephen Dafoe. There still is some Masonic research and writing left in his repertoire
For a long time now Dafoe has been working on the Morgan Affair. He has published a second article on the subject in Heredom ,the Scottish Rite Research Society’s publication due out any day now. I asked him how he came to have such a fascination with this event in American history which led to the rise of the Anti Masonry Party and the gutting of Grand Lodge roles.
“When I was fairly new to Freemasonry, our lodge took a trip to New York State, and the story was discussed in passing. It intrigued me, but over the years, what intrigued me more was the conflicting accounts of what happened. I decided to research the story from every angle available to me.
The Heredom piece, which is about 50,000 words or so, is kind of a combination of my four-part series from Masonic Magazine and another paper I’d written for my own Research Lodge here in Alberta. There will be a book, which will delve into the subject in much greater detail.”
Did somebody say Masonic book?? Well you really never know what will be on Stephen Dafoe’s plate. One thing you can be assured of is continued creativity.
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